Saturday, January 06, 2007
Well, I've not been anymore physical
I swear... New Year's resolutions are so bunk. I told you I don't normally make them. You know why? Cause I hate to break them. I hate to not be a woman of my word.

Thus far in this newest year, I've performed zero formal exercise. I suck.

I did take the boys with me shopping on Friday and unloaded tons of stuff by myself when we got home. Does that count? Not exactly what I was resolving for, but I'm still managing to lose a pound or two here and there. That's all well and good for me and the wicked scale sitting in my bathroom, but it's in the clothes that really counts! I'll try harder next week. The weather was bad and I didn't make it to the Y to sign up. (I love using the weather as my perfect excuse. The weather is my friend)

Today was boring. It's next to impossible to get my hubby out of the house on the weekends. I can't say I blame him but I hate just sitting around the house all the time. I'm ready for Spring!

My inlaws are coming over tomorrow. Finally! They haven't seen their grandsons for 5 months! They are going to be so surprised at the changes. Both boys are still trying real hard to officially crawl. They get around, rolling and scooting, just fine. And love to stand, oh how these boys love to stand up. We have two pack -n- plays set up in the living room just for their standing pleasure. I tell ya, it's good times around here. They are so cute.

Cooper was not himself today. Daddy dearest gave him cran-grape juice, diluted, first thing this morning and he's had a rash on his face every since. Then this afternoon one of his eyes started swelling and turning red. I gave him Benadryl before his nap. Then as the evening progressed both eyes seemed red and puffy, the rash worsened and he was even running a low fever, 100.8. Daddy rocked him to sleep at 6:45. Poor little guy. Looks so pitiful with a rash-y face and his new "brain bucket".

So now the boys are tucked in bed, sung and sound while I sit on the couch eating pizza and hubby plays warcraft on the 'puter. Oh the JOYS of parenthood :)

Wednesday, January 03, 2007
On the bandwagon
I don't normally make New Year's resolutions, but this year I have resolved to simply (ha!) take better care of myself. I still have about 20 pounds to lose to be at my pre-pregnancy weight. I'm not too ashamed of this considering I gained almost 60 pounds.
I know my inability to lose the last 20 pounds has to do with some poor eating habits I've created and neglecting to formally exercise. I'm sure my AGE doesn't help much either, but we won't go there. :(
All those weeks on bedrest really did a number on my body. Sometimes after sitting for awhile I get up and feel like my legs aren't going to work. My muscles are no more. This is super depressing to someone who used to take spin class 3-4 times a week and worked out with a personal trainer. I want to get back there. I'm ready to put in the hard work to make it happen.

I never felt better when I made exercise a daily priority. Our bodies need it! And it is proven that diet without it just doesn't last.
So wish me luck. I'm going to join the YMCA and get to moving! I'll keep you guys posted on my progress.

Now onto all things baby... Cooper got his Doc Band yesterday. ;And I think he looks cute in it! Daddy doesn't like it at all. But little Cooper doesn't seem too bothered with it. He slept through the night, as usual, and hasn't seemed to pay much attention to it being there. He's so laid back and cool. I love my kids.

In fact I love them enough to get in shape so I can keep up with them :)
So needless to say, I'm on the bandwagon with the rest of you. My resolution this year is to get in shape so I can wear the clothes in my closet again, and because I'm worth it!

Monday, January 01, 2007
Five things you may not know about me...
I saw this on Miss Zoot and thought I'd kick off the new year sharing some of my secrets.

1. I went by Mandy growing up. My older brother and sister had me convinced Barry Manilow's song Mandy was written to me. And I believed them forever.

2. I am obsessed with having a clean kitchen sink. When I get bored, upset or before I begin cooking I have to scrub the sinks. (I know, OCD big time) I also wash my hands 800 times a day.

3. I actually LOST weight over the holidays. I've been trying to for the past couple months so I was thrilled when I stepped on the scale again yesterday and managed to lose 5 pounds just over Christmas. I guess spending the holidays at home kept me away from all the mounds of food. Yay!

4. I sit in the floor and play with my boys at least 4 hours a day. I feel guilty if I don't. It seems many of the problems children have today stem from lack of love and ATTENTION from the people they depend on most. I'm trying to be different and show my children, with my attention, they are my world.

5. I have a really hard time with balance in my life. I guess you can call me an all or nothing type personality. Lately my biggest neglect has been me. I don't care about fashion or my hair and make up like I did when I worked outside the home. I miss taking care of me.

Hope everyone has enjoyed the holidays. Happy New Year! May all your dreams for the new year come true!!

Friday, December 29, 2006
Whew, I'm glad this day is almost over!
I worked my butt off today (I wish) cleaning house. My mom and step dad are coming down tomorrow, basically to see the boys and give them their Christmas gifts. (Does anyone ever come to see us anymore? probably not)

I always clean like a maniac when we're having overnight company. Gives me great motivation to see just how much I can get done. I was thinking today of all those days my husband had to tell me to sit down and stop doing stuff when I was pregnant. My obsession with cleaning and organizing was so crazy before I became a mother. I've relaxed my everyday standards soooo much, and I like it. It's nice to feel free to live comfortably in our clutter and dirt when we want to. And it's nice to have it all spic and span every now and then too. I just don't have the energy to keep up with everything all the time. These boys take it out of me! This job is NOT for sissies, I tell ya!

I got my husband to make a stop at Walmart during his lunch hour today and get all 10 things we needed on our list. It was nice to not have to make a trip to hell this week. (I actually love walmart, but it can be such a beating this time of year.) Especially when you have to remember to shut and lock all 4 doors before entering the store. haha

I've been surprised how many bloggers vacation from blogging this week. There is so much to tell this time of year... what the kids thought of Christmas, what you did, where you went, who you saw, what you ate :) We stayed home by ourselves this year. It was nice but very different and unchristmasy if you ask me. I think from now on we need to be with family so it feels like it's supposed to. My husband was insistant we stay home since we traveled for Thanksgiving, so I compromised like a good wife. We'd already given the boys all their presents, as we bought them. They were in need of new toys anyway, so we couldn't wait. I'm pretty sure they would have only tried to eat the packages so we skipped the whole wrapping process. Ba hum bug, eh? They got a new wagon from their uncle, which they love so much.

I'm getting a little work out pulling them around the house inside. The weather's been too crappy to take it out much.

Hope everyone has enjoyed the holidays and has a nice long weekend. Happy New Year!

Monday, December 25, 2006
Hope everyone is having a joyous Christmas Day!

Sunday, December 24, 2006
Merry Christmas!

Sorry for the long absence!
Our computer went ka-put when my computer genius husband tried to install an additional hard drive so we could "back up" all our stuff. (How ironic, eh?) Thankfully he eventually was able to recover all our data. AND he bought me a shiny new laptop, of my very own for my birthday, so I'm finally back online and back to blogging. I can't believe how crippled I felt without access to the computer. I couldn't even get on blogger because I saved all my login information in my computer, and for some odd reason blogger could not help me retrieve it. oh well!

Gosh, where do I begin? Our boys are growing like weeds. They are 7 1/2 months old! (So incredibly hard to believe.)
Cooper has 6 teeth and is up on his knees rocking like crazy. He also babbles ALL day long. His favorite "words" are maaaaa ma and ba ba ba. I swear he knows he's saying mama :) Corbin doesn't have any teeth yet, but he got his first hair cut last week and can make his way across any room in seconds, while on his belly. He also babbles and yells lots. They are super sweet babies and provide us loads of entertainment.

It's amazing how fast they learn new tricks. I swear, watching them develop and grow is the best gift in the world! I truly enjoy being home with them and am slowly learning how to be more than just mama. My husband is home after work every night now so I try to get out alone as often as possible. Friday night my friend took me for a pedicure and the movies. I almost didn't know how to act out alone, as someone's friend. I can count on one hand the times I've left the boys with someone else for more than an hour. I know I'll be a better wife and mother if I take care of myself first. ha!

I've been working on their first year scrapbooks and have already filled up two complete albums. I'm excited to start their first Christmas scrapbook next week. I got a bargain on them at Hobby Lobby earlier in the season. I'm going to try doing an 8x8 for the first time.

We're spending Christmas at home alone this year. (We'll get together with my family next weekend.) My husband's family has all been sick with either the flu or pneumonia so we're keeping our distance from them right now. It's been really nice just being home with our little family, cozied together around the fire.
The boys got up before the crack of dawn this morning so we used the opportunity to get our grocery shopping done at 7am without the crowds. My hubby and me are going to cook a traditional dinner together tomorrow. It will be fun. We're slowing giving the boys table food here and there. They've had avocado, banana, and now yogurt. We're going to try cranberry sauce and mashed potatoes tomorrow :)

Cooper is getting a Doc Band next week. If you haven't heard of this it's essentially a helmet that will help round out the shape of his skull. He had the casting made this past Tuesday. Bless his poor little flat head. We were hoping it would round itself out, like many people said it would, but no such luck here. I think we're going to have it painted like a football helmet, or soccer ball. He has to wear it 23 hours a day, so needless to say, the way I take pictures we'll be reminded of his helmet for years to come.

About 6 months ago we decided we wanted to move to San Antonio in January. Unfortunately it doesn't look like the timing is right to move now. My husband just received an awesome promotion and with me no longer working the raise is hard to pass up. We still want to get there eventually, and hope that will be possible soon. For now we are content with the decision to stay in Dallas awhile longer.

Hope everyone is enjoying the holiday! See you around again very soon!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006
This is so COOL!
